Why you are a liar

Do you keep saying there is something you’d like to change, and it’s something within your physical power to change? Something that other people seem to have taken control of, but you seemingly can’t?If so, then I’ve got some good news, and I’ve got some bad news.The good news is that you can change that [...]

Why you are a liar2017-08-01T02:06:07+00:00

How do you set your mind?

It’s been said that a person can change the whole world if they can truly set their mind to it. But how do you set your mind? Because it’s your mind to use but it didn’t come with a set of directions on how to use it. It’s like you have been given a [...]

How do you set your mind?2017-08-01T01:39:09+00:00

Just Step

Well I’ve got some bad news and I’ve got some good news. The good news is that people can change their lives in incredible ways. Helen Keller was struck deaf and blind as a toddler in the latter 19th century, a time in which a person with those handicaps would live out their lives [...]

Just Step2017-08-01T01:39:16+00:00

The question of how to lose weight. Permanently.

Many people try repeatedly to lose excess weight. Logically they know they should and so they resolve to do “whatever it takes to make it happen”. Maybe they join a gym, or start with Jenny Craig, or simply commit to “dieting”. Then they get to a certain point in their progress and hit a slump, [...]

The question of how to lose weight. Permanently.2017-08-01T02:10:11+00:00

How many “yous” are you?

You might be surprised. It seems like a silly question. After all, “I am me, and that is all there is” seems to sum it up quite nicely. But stop for a moment, and think of it this way; how many ways do you think of yourself, how many roles do you play, what [...]

How many “yous” are you?2017-08-01T01:39:31+00:00
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